A dark glittering wave
I come and land upon the earth
I fall like rain and cartwheels
The mother pulls me back into her lap
Cloaks me in her invisibility and breath
And exhales so I can kiss the air once more
I stretch as far and wide as I can
Like I can fly
And notice
Dark and bright
Dancing on my silver crown
The stars have fallen
They move across me and fall into my eyes
And as I pass onto the sand
The teal veins of light reach for pockets to belong
Feeling the secrets of the earth
Under a tendril of slow moving galaxies
Gazing softly over lifetimes of ancestors
Dark and bright
Dancing beneath the ground
Drops of stars hidden in the sand
Oracles in Phosphorescence
Hidden knowledge of the Earth
Where the veil lifts for a moment
Quietly without calling attention to itself
Such a passing beauty
So quick to fade
So easily missed,
Exists, why?
And in a moment we see what the mycelium sees
And we know because we see
What’s underneath…?
A mystery.
Poetry by Deborah Wolf